
Your voice reflects the inner and outer state of your being. From a physical point of view, one's body is like an instrument whose resonance depends on true breath support, as well as bodily freedom, not force. Tightened muscles, especially in the legs, torso, neck, shoulders and throat, not only restrict one's vocal resonance, but the rib cage and diaphragm as well. Yes, tightening of the legs restricts free movement of the diaphragm because the hip flexor muscles originate on the front of the spine very close to the diaphragm. (See V 1, 2) Ever hear of the omohyoid muscle? (See V 3) It is a curious, slender muscle that originates on the hyoid bone (which is between your lower jaw and your larynx), it then slides down under the collarbone and back to insert on the top of your shoulder blade. This amazing connection makes it so clear how shoulder tension can effect the voice! See V 4 and notice the tension in various parts of the upper body of several singers. One common habit is to lift one's head back without including the torso. As an amateur singer for over 20 years, I have found the Alexander work invaluable. Along with vocal warm-ups I do stretches for my whole body before a concert. The "Whispered Ah" is standard Alexander bread and butter for professional singers, but I have come up with what I consider to be an easier to practice, more subtle "Silent Ah" procedure. It can be done anywhere and any time even on stage, without anyone else knowing it!
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MovementWise Christine Inserra P.T.
Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique & Feldenkrais Method
Physical Therapy serving Chicago and the Greater Chicagoland Area